90s Archive: Volume One and Volume Two
Librairie Sans Titre, Paris
November 2023

"The pictures are autobiographical; a window into Vallée’s life in 90s London. However, they have a wider historical and political significance, capturing queer youth as the gay community slowly emerged from the horror of the 80s and early-90s global AIDS epidemic..." - British Journal of Photography, 2022.
Paris launch of 90s Archive: Volume One and Volume Two at Librairie Sans Titre in November 2023.
“This book is the second instalment from Marc Vallée’s 90s archive and we find him on the south New Jersey shore. He was a student and spent the summers of 1995 and 1996 teaching photography at an arts camp. Fresh with an analogue camera, he roamed the boardwalk in his free time, exploring his surroundings, pushing his luck and charm. Open to the ambivalences and uncertainties inherent in the landscape, he photographed surfers, young men, beneath the long skies before the sun went down. ”